Ansicht vorne
Inv. Nr.S-1287

"Travel album with views of Europe and the Middle East"

Jahr1890er, vintage

Photochromdrucke, Collotypien, Glanzcollodiumabzüge, Albuminabzüge und Gelatinesilberabzüge


Ursprünglich aus einem Reise-Fotoalbum mit rotem Lederüberzug. Alle 92 Fotos einzeln aus dem Album gelöst (das Album ist nicht mehr erhalten).
(Fritz Simak, 2011)

S-1287, "Travel album with views of Europe and the Middle East"
Anonymous, "Travel album with views of Europe and the Middle East", 1890er
S-1287, Ansicht vorne
S-1288, Anonymous, "Example of the travel album with views of Europe and the Middle East", 1890er
Anonymous, "Example of the travel album with views of Europe and the Middle East", 1890er
mehr InfoS-1288, Ansicht vorne
S-1289, Anonymous, "Example of the travel album with views of Europe and the Middle East", 1890er
Anonymous, "Example of the travel album with views of Europe and the Middle East", 1890er
mehr InfoS-1289, Ansicht vorne
S-1290, Anonymous, ohne Titel, 1890er
Anonymous, ohne Titel, 1890er
mehr InfoS-1290, Ansicht vorne
S-1291, Anonymous, "Example of the travel album with views of Europe and the Middle East", 1890er
Anonymous, "Example of the travel album with views of Europe and the Middle East", 1890er
mehr InfoS-1291, Ansicht vorne
S-1292, Anonymous, "Example of the travel album with views of Europe and the Middle East", 1890er
Anonymous, "Example of the travel album with views of Europe and the Middle East", 1890er
mehr InfoS-1292, Ansicht vorne
S-1293, Anonymous, "Example of the travel album with views of Europe and the Middle East", 1890er
Anonymous, "Example of the travel album with views of Europe and the Middle East", 1890er
mehr InfoS-1293, Ansicht vorne
S-1294, Anonymous, "Example of the travel album with views of Europe and the Middle East", 1890er
Anonymous, "Example of the travel album with views of Europe and the Middle East", 1890er
mehr InfoS-1294, Ansicht vorne
S-1295, Anonymous, "Example of the travel album with views of Europe and the Middle East", 1890er
Anonymous, "Example of the travel album with views of Europe and the Middle East", 1890er
mehr InfoS-1295, Ansicht vorne