"Hous and Garden 1, May 09"
titled, signed, dated (ink) on verso
These works can be considered a sweeping reflections on the subject of content and form: how are commonplace subjects changed when they cast off their normal state? In any case, in Robert Zahornicky’s work changes in the object always go hand-in-hand with new way of seeing. A reversal of the normal way of seeing things also present in the most recent works from the Double Vision series: here two images encounter each other, apparently without reason and purley coincidentally, and they generate new meaning. What at first seems to suggest a digital montage or the simultaneous exposure of two negatives in the darkroom is based in reality on the much simpler transmitted light phenomenon whereby the synchronous depiction of the front and reverse sides of individual magazine pages proposes a new way of seeing the medium.
Christina Natlacen / Translated by Tim Sharp