
BEATE PASSOW. Die vier apokalyptischen Reiter


February 25 to April 9, 2025
EIKON Showroom, MuseumsQuartier, Vienna


The exhibition in the EIKON Schauraum Beate Passow: Vier apokalyptische Reiter provides the artistic impetus for an in-depth examination of the multi-layered aspects of the reciprocal influence of images, society and politics. The artist places current political developments at the center of her multimedia works in a clear-sighted and direct manner.

"In an oppressive way, Passow demonstrates how Europe and its liberal democracies are currently falling apart, or at least being massively damaged by authoritarian and right-wing populist forces."
Wolfgang Ullrich in EIKON #129

Translated with DeepL.com (free version)




BEATE PASSOW. Vier apokalyptische Reiter

Monday, February 24, 2025*
6:30 pm at EIKON Schauraum MuseumsQuartier, Vienna

The artist will be present



EIKON sets out with artists and experts to investigate the images of politics and the politics of images and invites you to a discourse following the opening:

PICTURE POLITICS. Die Politik der Bilder

Monday, February 24, 2025*
19:00 in Room D, MuseumsQuartier, Vienna

in conversation:
Bettina Leidl - Director MuseumsQuartier Vienna, Welcome Beate Passow - Artist
Andra Spallart - art collector
Emil Brix - Director Diplomatic Academy Vienna
Carl Aigner - EIKON board member, moderation

Please register for the event: www.eikonspace.art


Beate Passow, "Vier apokalyptische Reiter", 2022
aus der Serie "Monkey Business, Ukraine"


* Am Morgen des 24. Februar vor drei Jahren begann Russland die militàˆrische Invasion der Ukraine.